Private Practice for systemic & biographical analysis and consulting

Privatpraxis für systemisch-biografische Analyse und Beratung Jörn Jacob Rohwer

Conversation is the solution: Inner Spectrum stands for systemic consulting, within which the entire life environment of a person and in particular their biographical development is included.

Jörn Jakob Rohwer

Private Practice

Counseling is the solution: Patients seeking help who do not want to wait months for a therapy session, but want immediate support, flexible appointment scheduling and convenient online counseling, choose Inner Spectrum as a contemporary treatment alternative.

Inner Spectrum stands for systemic therapy, within which a person’s entire living environment and, in particular, their biographical development is taken into account. Based on analytical counseling and systemic methodology, this approach is both highly empathic and person-centered, developmental and resource-oriented, and focused on insight and solutions. A few sessions can help to narrow down a difficult personal, professional, partnership or family situation, make it transparent and position clients more securely.

Inner Spectrum is unique as a systemic-analytical method. It was developed and applied as such by Jörn Jacob Rohwer over the course of thirty years of professional counseling and has been widely documented in publications.


Based on elements of biographical analysis, systemic therapy and methodical interviewing, Inner Spectrum helps you to recognize cognitive imprints and patterns, to visualize, question and structure previously unexplained mental and emotional connections and thus successively stabilize your behavior and psychosomatic balance.

Inner Spectrum also helps you to generate problem-centered solutions. This applies to very concrete individual situations, to partnership or generation-specific issues, to questions of gender identity and conflicts within your relationship system. On the basis of conversations or by including methodical exercises and tapping into unused resources, ways are opened up for you to make decisions, to regain trust, to mediate and to reconcile.


Starting with an initial consultation, the collaboration is developed step-by-step together with you and focused on your individual needs. Even a few sessions can help to narrow down a personal, partnership or family situation, make it transparent and position you more securely.

The initial consultation is followed by a minimum of four sessions of 50 minutes each, during which anamnesis, clarification of concerns and deepening exchange take place. After this cycle, a decision is made together with you about the continuation or conclusion of the collaboration.

If possible, the first session should take place in presence. The subsequent appointments are usually conducted online, with the exception of possible crisis interventions. This hybrid model has proven to be sustainable, practical and cost-effective for both parties. In order to take into account the respective life context of a client as well as his or her needs for absolute discretion, home visits and other outside appointments are also possible in individual cases.

Inner Spectrum is a safe framework within which appreciation, trust, confidentiality, diversity and parity (even without gender*) are fundamental components of the therapeutic self-image.


The inner spectrum of a human being is contradictory and complex, constantly striving for a balance of thoughts, feelings and states of mind. Each individual is unique – and usually as complicated as his time, his environment. The present, beset by war, climate change, migrations, recessions, pandemics, is rich with complications. Rarely has mental health proven to be so coveted and at the same time so threatened.

Who we are and how we weather crises is rooted in our origins, our development, and the way we live. Those who are at one with themselves and their circumstances can face changeable developments with confidence. More and more people, however, see their world view shaken, experience feelings of fear, sadness, shame, loneliness and insecurity.

Inner Spectrum offers you ways and solutions to regain mental balance and strength. Through analysis, conversations, methodology. To put one’s own feeling, thinking and behavior in relation to biographical development, its structure, course and meaning and to reflect on this means: to change per-spectives, to uncover hidden resources, to increase the body’s own resilience, to overcome problems and finally – to gain inner strength and attitude.


Appointments are made by phone +49 176 24 20 11 17 after a short initial exchange, or by email if necessary. Consultations by appointment.
For current fees, please email

Consultations are held in either German or English. Depending on requirements, sessions are conducted on a low to high frequency basis – on a short-term or longer-term basis, or as crisis interventions. In case of a longer cooperation, individually adjusted conditions are possible.
Liquidation takes place after conclusion of the contract, at the latest 48 hours before the start of the first call cycle – exclusively by real-time transfer via online banking. Completely missed appointments as well as late cancelled appointments (e.g. less than 24 hours before the start) will be charged at fifty percent of the pro-rated hourly fee.


Behind Inner Spectrum is Jörn Jacob Rohwer: well-traveled, well-read, certified and graduated as a systemic therapist (DFS) after studies in education, Hebrew and Jewish studies and professional practice in Vienna, Berlin and London (UCL), Rohwer draws on a wealth of experience from more than thirty years in professional conversation. His methodological approach, which Rohwer uses to introduce a counterpart to personal issues, insights, and solutions, combines elements of biographical analysis, systemic therapy, and methodological conversation. Numerous of his biographical narrative dialogues with personalities from art, culture, science and society, conducted over a long period of time in a journalistic context, have been published internationally and widely received (see also


“That was more intense than three hours on Siegmund Freud’s couch!”
Steven Fry (after a sitting with Jörn Jacob Rohwer)

This is Jörn Jacob Rohwer’s, in my opinion, unique talent and real art: to let people be themselves who are used to avoiding this as much as possible (…), people who are never really authentic in public, but always put on the mask that they consider appropriate, depending on the occasion, which is understandable, because that’s how you protect yourself from the mob. And how should these people also know that this Jörn Jacob Rohwer does not belong, to this mob? The fact that he does, is evidenced by his conversations.
Dr. Joachim Scholl, Deutschlandradio

In his conversations, Rohwer is concerned with retrospectives on life, on ideological positions, on certain attitudes toward existence or art. With Rohwer, there is a questioner who has prepared his conversations – one senses it when reading – for months. Rohwer goes to archives, reads self-testimonies of the personalities or interviews conducted with them beforehand. And with this additional knowledge, he then confronts his respective counterpart – with knowledge that also consists of the back chambers of life, although it has not been entrusted to him beforehand in secret, but has been publicly accessible. And that is the second attraction of this work: the sophisticated, unorthodox questioning technique that leads into the depths of many personalities’ world views or mental states, with the help of which moments occur in which familiar ways of looking at a person change at a stroke, and many insights, illuminating, enriching, oppressive, but also pleasurable moments arise.
Martin Maria Schwarz, Hessischer Rundfunk

There are, were the greats of dialogue. Fritz J. Raddatz with the dialectic tension of his “Zeit” dialogues. Alexander Kluge with the surreal, fantasizing cautiousness of his TV and book interviews. Günter Gaus with his respectfully ruthlessly probing explorations “On the Person”. André Müller with his narcissistically provocative, expressive “Zeit” portraits in question and answer. Jörn Jacob Rohwer’s books thus enrich a gallery of the significant. His conversations are shaped pieces: Questions and answers composed as drifting stages of a texture that feels sistered to dramatic literature.
Hans Dieter Schütt, Neues Deutschland